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St Andrew's CE Primary School

St Andrew'sCE Primary School

Latest News

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  • 28/05/21

    Creative week

    t's been Creative Week at St Andrew’s this week. The Imagination, creativity and dedication seen has been outstanding! Willow have been inspired by Grendal’s eye to create stunning sketches whilst using colour and then sculpted clay to bring their ideas to life. Well done Willow C...
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  • 07/05/21

    St Andrew's to St Andrews

    We are so proud of all our children and community for working so hard to complete our Easter Challenge. As a school the Children travelled further than from St Andrew’s to St Andrews and raised over £2200! You may have even seen some of our families talking about it on the tv! It ha...
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  • 20/11/20

    Odd Socks Day

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.
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  • 16/10/20

    Harvest Assembly

    This week we have been thinking about why we celebrate Harvest. The week ended with an amazing Harvest Assembly led by Sharon. We would like to thank everyone who brought in food. This will be donated to the Lutterworth food bank. We hope everyone has a lovely half term.
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  • 09/10/20

    Virtual 5K Results

    A huge well done to all the children in KS2 who participated in the Virtual 5K Competition run by Learning South Leicestershire School Sports Partnership. Our children in Oak came 2nd and 3rd overall in their district (Blaby and Harborough) and 5th and 6th on the City of Leicester and South Lei...
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  • 06/10/20

    Air Quality and Sustainable Travel Virtual Assembly

    Oak participated in an Air Quality and Sustainable Travel Virtual Assembly.
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  • 04/10/20

    It's Active Travel Month

    We have chosen to be involved in the South Leicestershire School Sports Partnership Active Travel to School Project which aims to increase the number of children travelling to school by walking, cycling and scooting. Actively travelling to school has many benefits for your child; it helps keep them...
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  • 24/09/20

    Life in Ancient Egypt

    Oak have been discovering what life was like for the Ancient Egyptian civilisation and have created detailed posters to show what they have found out. We have explored the different toys/games they used to play with, we've looked at their diet and what you could find inside an Ancient Egyptian h...
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  • 19/06/20

    Our Creative Oak Children

    We have welcomed back lots of Yr 6 children this week who have really enjoyed being back in school. The children in Yr 6 and our essential worker children have been busy creating artwork using their hands. The children had to think carefully about how they could create lines, shapes and curves using...
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  • 19/06/20

    Learning about bubbles!

    The children from Acorn class have loved being back in school for the past 2 weeks. They have been learning both inside and out about bubbles! They have thought carefully about their own special family bubble as well as their 'Acorn bubble' The children have enjoyed creating bubbles using di...
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  • 25/03/20

    COVID-19 Information

    The latest news and information about COVID-19 is available from the Learn-AT website 
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